Friday, March 17, 2023

The Impact of Workplace Culture on Employee Relations

Workplace culture has a significant impact on employee relations. The environment, values, and beliefs of an organization can have a direct effect on how employees interact with each other and their employers. It is essential for organizations to understand the importance of fostering a positive workplace culture to enhance employee relations and promote a productive and healthy work environment.

The workplace culture can affect the way employees communicate and interact with each other. A positive workplace culture promotes open communication, collaboration, and teamwork, which are critical elements for effective employee relations (Kossek et al, 2014). When employees feel valued and respected, they are more likely to share their thoughts and ideas with their colleagues, which can lead to improved problem-solving and decision-making. On the other hand, a negative workplace culture can create an environment of mistrust, isolation, and conflict, which can negatively impact employee relations and lead to a toxic work environment (Gallup, 2023).

Moreover, workplace culture also influences the way employees to perceive their work, their employer, and their colleagues. A positive culture that values diversity and inclusivity can lead to higher employee engagement, job satisfaction, and retention (Huang, 2021). Employees are more likely to feel motivated and committed to their work when they feel a sense of belonging and connection to their organization. A negative culture, on the other hand, can lead to employee disengagement, absenteeism, and turnover, which can impact the overall performance and profitability of the organization (Gallup, 2023).

To foster a positive workplace culture, organizations need to prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of their employees. This can be achieved by creating a culture of respect, trust, and transparency, promoting work-life balance, recognizing and rewarding employee contributions, and providing opportunities for professional growth and development (Lin & Huang, 2020). When employees feel supported and valued, they are more likely to be committed to their organization and work collaboratively with their colleagues, which can enhance employee relations and improve overall organizational performance.


(Sharma, 2020)

In conclusion, workplace culture plays a crucial role in employee relations. Organizations that prioritize the development of a positive culture are more likely to create a healthy and productive work environment that fosters collaboration, innovation, and growth. By investing in their employees' well-being and satisfaction, organizations can build a strong foundation for effective employee relations and long-term success.

This video by TED (2019) will  give you a clear insight to the impact of workplace culture on employee relations.



Gallup (2023) What Is employee engagement and how do you improve it? [Online] Available at: [Accessed on 16.03.2023].

Kossek, E. et al (2014) Designing work, family & health organizational change initiatives. Organizational Dynamics, 43(1) pp 53-63. [Online] DOI: .

Lin, C. & Huang, C. (2020) Employee turnover intentions and job performance from a planned change: the effects of an organizational learning culture and job satisfaction. International Journal of Manpower, 42(3) pp 409-423. [Online] DOI: .

Sharma, G. (2020) 8 ways HR managers impact organization culture. Greenthumbs [Online] Available at: [Accessed on 17.03.2023].



  1. Very informative article.

  2. Interesting article, Lasni. I agree with your views on workplace culture and wellbeing of employees. These should certainly become priorities for organisations. At present, they are more of an expectation rather than a perk (Lifeworks, 2019). It would be key to retain younger talent in the long run, as well as hold on to older experienced personnel in the workplace.

    Reference Link:

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read and engage in my article. Certainly, both the younger talents and older experienced employees should be in the mix for the organization to be a success. So it's crucial to maintain a good workplace culture.

  3. V Kabilashini JanarthananMarch 19, 2023 at 12:38 AM

    Agree with the work place culture importance highlighted in the article. A proper work place has a direct influence on employee productivity. Organizations are fully responsible to create or provide a suitable work place culture to its employees. In return the employees carry the responsibility to respect and follow the beliefs, values and norms practiced in the organization.
    Any person who is unable to adopt to a work place culture of an organization will not be able to survive in the long run in the same organization.

    1. Thank you for your response. Better the work place culture, better the performance of the employees

  4. Hi Lasni, great article. When an employee switch from one job to another most of the time their cultures are different & how this can be handled by HR? How do they adapting newcomers?

    1. When an employee switches from one job to another, they often encounter different organizational cultures that can be challenging to navigate. HR departments play a crucial role in helping newcomers adapt to their new workplace culture. According to research by Cable and Turban (2003), effective onboarding programs that integrate newcomers into the organization's culture can lead to higher job satisfaction and retention rates. HR can facilitate this by providing a comprehensive orientation that includes cultural norms and values, introducing the newcomer to key colleagues and mentors, and offering ongoing support and feedback. By prioritizing cultural integration, HR can help employees adjust more quickly and feel more comfortable in their new work environment.

  5. I think for the work from home employees, this workplace culture will not affect. Do you agree on this?

    1. Thank you for your interest Shadeer. Remote workers, despite working from home or other remote locations, are still part of the organisational culture and are affected by communication practices employed within the organisation. The organisational culture sets the tone for how employees interact, collaborate, and communicate with one another, regardless of their physical location (Song et al., 2017). Remote employees also rely heavily on communication tools such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing to stay connected with their colleagues and receive feedback and instructions from their managers. Effective communication strategies, such as clear and concise language, active listening, and timely feedback are important for remote workers as well. They help in fostering a positive work environment, building trust, and maintaining productive working relationships, even in a remote work setting (Song et al., 2017). Remote employees also rely on nonverbal communication cues, such as video calls and virtual meetings, to interpret emotions and feelings that words alone cannot express (Bandura, 1977). Encouraging open communication and addressing problems before they escalate, as highlighted by the human relations theory (Mayo, 1933), is equally important for remote workers to feel heard, engaged, and included in the organisational culture (Song et al., 2017). The use of technology in communication, as supported by the technology acceptance model (Davis, 1989), can bridge the communication gap between remote and in-office workers and foster collaboration and effective communication among all employees. Therefore, workplace culture and communication strategies do impact remote workers and it is crucial to consider their unique needs and challenges in fostering effective communication in a remote work environment.

  6. Hello, Lasni. As an employee perspective within an organization, this is my favorite point. I appreciate your thorough explanation. Every new employee must have a warm welcome when they first join a company. Seniors in the department must give juniors a warm welcome and describe the department's culture. Management needs to be transparent about the culture of their workplace and help people fit in. Organizations around the world are starting to consider this point more than in previous decades. What role do you think HR will have in establishing an organization's culture?

    1. Human Resources (HR) plays a critical role in establishing an organization's culture, as they are responsible for recruiting, onboarding, and training new employees (Kulik & Bainbridge, 2019). HR can help shape the culture of the workplace by promoting and enforcing the company's values and mission, as well as ensuring that all employees are aware of and aligned with these principles (Kulik & Bainbridge, 2019). Additionally, HR can facilitate communication between management and employees, ensuring that expectations are clear and that all employees feel valued and supported (Eisenberger, Stinglhamber, Vandenberghe, Sucharski, & Rhoades, 2002). By creating a positive work environment and fostering a culture of inclusivity and transparency, HR can improve employee morale and job satisfaction, which can lead to increased productivity and organizational success (Eisenberger et al., 2002). Therefore, it is crucial for HR professionals to be knowledgeable and proactive in shaping the culture of their organizations.

  7. It has been selected good topic Lasni that How to achieve good communication between employer and employees. Be clear about what you are trying to achieve and explain to employees, or their representatives or both, whether you are informing, consulting or negotiating with them. You should encourage a two-way flow of information between employees and managers.

    1. Thank you for the feedback. Encouraging a two-way flow of information between employees and managers is essential for effective communication and successful teamwork in any organization. This means that communication should not be a one-sided conversation, where managers only give instructions and employees only follow them. Instead, it should be an ongoing dialogue where both parties can share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. According to a study by Deloitte, organizations that prioritize and effectively manage two-way communication experience higher levels of employee engagement, better decision-making, and greater innovation (Deloitte, 2020). This highlights the importance of fostering a culture of open communication in the workplace.

  8. According to the research article of "The Role of Organizational Culture in Employee-Organization Relationships: Implications for Employee Intention to Stay" by Shuang Ren, Li Chen, and Li Li (2019)." organizations should strive to create a positive workplace culture that supports employees and fosters positive relations with the organization.

    1. I appreciate your interest on my article Prasad. Better the work place culture, better better the employee relations will be.

  9. The article is well-written and informative, providing a great starting point for those interested in understanding the impact of workplace culture on employee relations. The link to the TED talk also provides an additional resource for readers looking to delve deeper into the topic.

    1. Thank you for your feedback Hansika. I'm glad you found the article informative and helpful. The TED talk link is indeed a valuable resource for further exploration of the topic of workplace culture and its impact on employee relations. It's important to continuously educate ourselves on this topic and strive to create a positive and inclusive work culture that fosters healthy employee relations. If you have any other questions or need further information, feel free to ask.

  10. I completely agree with the blog's perspective on the impact of workplace culture on employee relations. As pointed out by Kossek et al. (2014), a positive workplace culture promotes open communication, collaboration, and teamwork, which are essential for effective employee relations. It is crucial for organizations to prioritize creating a culture of respect, trust, and transparency, as well as promoting work-life balance, recognizing employee contributions, and providing opportunities for professional growth and development (Lin & Huang, 2020).

    The importance of a positive workplace culture is further highlighted by the impact it has on employee engagement, job satisfaction, and retention, as noted by Huang (2021). In contrast, a negative culture can lead to disengagement, absenteeism, and turnover, which can significantly affect the overall organizational performance (Gallup, 2023). Therefore, investing in the development of a positive workplace culture should be a priority for organizations.

    The blog concludes by emphasizing the crucial role of workplace culture in employee relations and how organizations that prioritize the development of a positive culture are more likely to create a healthy and productive work environment. As stated by Sharma (2020), by investing in their employees' well-being and satisfaction, organizations can build a strong foundation for effective employee relations and long-term success

    1. Thank you for your comment Hassaan. I completely agree with your perspective on the importance of workplace culture in shaping positive employee relations. It is essential for organisations to prioritise and cultivate a positive workplace culture to foster positive employee relations and create a thriving work environment.

  11. Thank you for writing such an insightful and informative blog on workplace culture! I couldn't agree more that a positive and inclusive culture is essential for any organization's success, and your post provided some great tips and strategies for cultivating such a culture. Your blog is a fantastic resource for managers & leaders to improve their organization's culture and create a more engaged and motivated workforce.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my article and for your positive feedback Amal. I'm glad to hear that you found it insightful and informative.

  12. Interesting TED video you shared, which offers a valuable perspective on how workplace culture affects employee relations. It is an excellent resource for organizations interested in creating a positive work environment and improving employee engagement and satisfaction. Thank you for sharing this resource, and I am looking forward to reading more of your insightful articles.

    1. Thank you for your feedback Praveen. I'm glad you found the TED video helpful and insightful. As you mentioned, workplace culture plays a crucial role in shaping employee relations and job satisfaction. Organisations should prioritise creating a positive culture that encourages open communication, values employee contributions, and fosters a sense of belonging. By doing so, they can improve employee engagement, retention, and ultimately, the overall success of the organisation.

  13. This is an insightful post on the impact of workplace culture on employee relations. I completely agree with your observations, especially regarding the importance of a positive workplace culture to promote effective employee relations.

    I would also like to add that is important to note that workplace culture can also have an impact on employee mental health and well-being. A study by Deloitte found that a negative workplace culture can lead to higher levels of stress, burnout, and mental health issues among employees (Deloitte, 2019). This highlights the importance of fostering a positive culture to promote not only effective employee relations but also employee well-being. Good write up Lasni!

    1. Thank you for your comment Thahani. I agree that workplace culture can have a significant impact on employee well-being, and organisations must strive to create a supportive and positive environment to promote good mental health. It's essential to recognise that employees spend a significant portion of their lives at work, and their work environment can significantly affect their physical and mental health (Harvard Business Review, 2018). As you have rightly pointed out, negative workplace culture can lead to stress and burnout among employees. Therefore, it is crucial for organisations to prioritise employee well-being by creating a positive and supportive work culture. Thank you for highlighting this important aspect of workplace culture.

  14. Workplace culture has a big impact on employee relations, as you said above. because it has an impact on how employees engage and communicate with one another. This may be advantageous or detrimental. We must establish a supportive working culture. This, in my opinion, can help people grow and progress professionally.

    1. Thank you for your comment Sineth. You are absolutely right that workplace culture can have both positive and negative impacts on employee relations. As you mentioned, creating a supportive working culture can certainly help employees grow and progress professionally. It's important to establish a culture that encourages open communication, trust, and collaboration, which can help foster a positive work environment and ultimately lead to better employee relations.

  15. I completely agree with the your perspective on the impact of workplace culture on employee relations. Workplace culture is crucial in shaping how employees interact with each other and their employers. A positive workplace culture promotes open communication, collaboration, and teamwork, which leads to effective employee relations. On the other hand, a negative workplace culture can create a toxic work environment that leads to mistrust, isolation, and conflict, which can negatively impact employee relations.

    You've also made an important point that a positive culture leads to higher employee engagement, job satisfaction, and retention. When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to be committed to their work and organization, which enhances employee relations and improves overall organizational performance.

    I appreciate your recommendations on how organizations can foster a positive workplace culture. Prioritizing employee well-being and satisfaction, promoting respect, trust, and transparency, recognizing and rewarding employee contributions, and providing opportunities for professional growth and development are all essential in creating a positive workplace culture.

    Overall, I think this post provides valuable insights into the importance of workplace culture in employee relations and how organizations can create a healthy and productive work environment.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful comment Sarah. I'm glad you found my post informative and agree with my perspective on the impact of workplace culture on employee relations. A positive culture enhances employee engagement, job satisfaction, and retention, which is essential for improving overall organisational performance.

  16. The TED video is very insightful. Positive workplace culture is essential in improving the overall performance of an organization. It is a normative standard for how people behave when placed in certain situations. Your article clearly defines how the workplace culture influences the way employees to perceive their work, their employer, and their colleagues.

    1. Thank you for your comment Iqbal. I'm glad you found the TED video insightful, and I completely agree with your observation about the importance of workplace culture in shaping employee perceptions. As I mentioned in my article, a positive workplace culture can foster a sense of community, support, and trust among employees, which can lead to improved job satisfaction and overall organisational performance. On the other hand, a negative workplace culture can create a toxic environment that leads to mistrust, conflicts, and decreased employee morale. Therefore, it's crucial for organisations to prioritise building and maintaining a positive workplace culture to promote effective employee relations and enhance organisational success.

  17. An interesting article Lasni. Company culture has a significant impact on a variety of business metrics, including sales, earnings, staff morale, and recruitment efforts. People who desire to work for or conduct business with a company are drawn by a positive corporate culture. While lowering turnover, it can motivate workers to be more productive and upbeat at work. It may even serve as your best source for hiring, drawing qualified people who want to work for your business.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read my article and leaving a comment Bavindu. I completely agree with you that company culture plays a vital role in various aspects of a business, such as sales, earnings, staff morale, and recruitment efforts. It is essential to create a positive and inclusive work environment that motivates and inspires employees to be more productive and innovative. A strong corporate culture not only helps in retaining employees but also attracts qualified candidates who are looking for an organisation with values and beliefs that align with their own. A positive company culture can also have a ripple effect, impacting customers, vendors, and other stakeholders, ultimately leading to a successful and sustainable business.

  18. Hi Lasni, great article, in here you are explained about Employee relations refer to the interactions and communication between employees and employers, as well as the policies, practices, and procedures that govern these interactions. It encompasses all aspects of the employment relationship, including recruitment, hiring, training, compensation, benefits, performance management, and disciplinary actions.

    1. Thank you for your feedback Asanka. Establishing positive employee relations is crucial for creating a productive and harmonious workplace. By treating employees fairly and with respect, employers can build trust and loyalty, and foster a positive work environment that benefits everyone. Thank you again for taking the time to read my article and share your thoughts on this important topic.


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